Monday, 19 January 2015

Happy New year - Top 10 Things to do in 2015

Hi Guys, happy new year to you all. well, I guess new year came a bit late this In one of my previous posts, I promised to drop an article once a week but I have been unbelievable I am giving myself a big fail on this one. Its the 3rd week of 2015 and I thought I could inspire you guys for the year. It's still early days so you can grab a pen and a cup of coffee and set out an agenda for the year. Here's my top 10 list of things that you can do this year.

1. Learn something new - There's a saying that we start getting old the day we stop learning. You may be in your 20s, 30s or even 40s but you will be completely shocked at the amount of basic things you cannot do. Now is the time to crack up a list. what do you wish you could do? Do you know how to swim? How about learning to play a musical instrument like the guitar, piano or trumpet, or even learn how to write, speak to the public or learn a new language. Whatever drives you, It's always fun to know more and the new year provides that opportunity.

2. Get an extra degree - Are you a professor or doctor? Certificates never get old. The thing is that a certificate is an evidence of knowledge as opposed to obtaining knowledge for fun or self development a certificate creates opportunities, just ask Did you obtain your bachelors 10 years ago and do not have a masters degree? Or you wanted to study law and ended up with sociology? You still have a chance to get that extra certification now.

3. Fall in love - If you are single and ready to mingle or even if you have been heartbroken a few times. 2015 can be the time to let go of all that baggage and just let loose. It's always great to be open minded and fall in love. The 1st phase in a relationship is always so beautiful and could create long term memories you would love to reminisce about in future. Love may be overrated but it's definitely better than being lonely.

4. Get married - Have you been saving for your dream wedding or waiting for perfection? Why not take a big risk and just get married. Your life really never starts until you do. Marriage creates a more realistic picture of what your future will be like and is a cure for irresponsibility and promiscuity. When all the expenses hit you ehn, your eye go shine...just kidding.

5. Change your fashion theme - If you've got some cash to play with then changing your wardrobe isn't something bad to look forward to this year. Aren't you tired of the same old boot cut jeans with
T-shirts? You can spice things up a bit by changing that theme by changing brands, colour codes or just change your whole style in all. I really enjoyed migrating from T.M Lewin to Charles Tyrwhitt last year. You can google to guide you through this makeover process if you are short of ideas.

6. Travel somewhere new - The world has 196 countries. That means you can visit 2 countries per year all through your lifetime and there will still be places to visit. Do you want to see the blue mosque in Istanbul or the Berlin wall in Germany, the pyramids or Giza or the great wall of China. You can pick a destination and visit somewhere unusual this year. Take pictures, wine, dine and have great sex. Just have fun!

7. Go vocational - You know how we always talked about having a side hustle to augment our active income? Going vocational can help with that. What do you wanna learn? Photography, web design, tailoring, carpentry, interior design, name it. acquiring vocational skills can be fun and bring in some extra cheese along the line.

8. Lose weight - When last did you check your BMI. My guess is that you are probably overweight. 2015 might be a fine time for you to change your diet and workout daily. 15 - 30 minutes a day is just alright and you could end this year a lot fitter than you started it.

9. Start a small business - A friend of mine just started high-end online store check  even though she already earns big bucks from a full time job. That's the very spirit you need. You can start something too. It may be in partnership with someone with a bit more time or just solo. Do you have any skills you aren't using or you just love to sell or consult. Take an extra step and formalise something. You never can tell.

10. Join a social club - Networking cannot be over emphasised. Someone once told me that you can calculate your net worth by working out what you can get in ransom if you kidnapped every contact on your phone. If your contact is filled with Risi oni rice, Mufu eleran, etcetera. Then you definitely need to meet more people. You can join a gym, a recreational club or even a church group to add that extra spice to your network this year.

People always say new years are overrated and you can turn things around anytime but the years are numbered to guide us,provide timelines and bookmark landmarks. Imagine we all lived our lives without a clock and chose to wake up once the sun is up or we kept no dates and don't even know our birthdays or our ages. New year acknowledgements are definitely here to stay and we should all make the best out of every new year . I wish you a wonderful 2015.

This article was written by Olajide Ola for ToptenNG

1 comment:

  1. I've learnt a thing or two here. Definitely joining a gym this year. To lose weight.....and to get more "kidnap-able" contacts on my list. Wink!
